Architect graduated from UNPHU with a master’s degree in Landscape Architecture and Sustainability from the University Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV). She is currently General Coordinator and professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) of architectural design, urbanism and sustainability. In the public sector, she worked as Territorial Planner in the Vice Ministry of Territorial Planning and Regional Development of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development.
Researcher and lecturer on the topics of Urban-Territorial Planning, Urban Resilience, Public Space and Sustainability in the national and international context. Founding member of the IUAV Abroads International Network of Academics, CELFI scholarship holder for the Argentine government in the Urban Resilience program, JAICA scholarship holder from the Japanese government in the Sustainable Urban Management and Urban Development program, and scholarship holder from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in the program VENTUS for the research stay in Gender and City.
Researcher assigned to the national career of researchers by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Dominican Republic. Principal investigator of the Gender and City line and co-investigator of the Planning, Sustainability and Environment line. Consultant in Ordinance and Territorial Planning.