Architect from the University of Buenos Aires, PhD from the University of the Basque Country. Post-doctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU.
Since 2007, she has been a member of the Research Group on Built Heritage (GPAC) and the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Landscapes and Heritage at the UPV/EHU. She coordinates the platform “Patrimonio siglo XX” and the Feminist Network of Architecture, Heritage and Urbanism professionals, ARQSarean in the Basque Country. She is a guest contributor to “Un día, una arquitecta” and “Nuestras Arquitectas”.
She works on research into the valuation, protection and management of built heritage, and on issues related to gender, heritage and architecture. Among her research, it is worth mentioning the pioneering work in the Basque Country with a grant from the Basque Women’s Institute (Emakunde) “Arquitectas (in)VISIBLES en Euskadi. The problems hidden by this invisibility”. She has given conferences at the “Heritage and Gender” and “Feminist Architecture” Seminars organised by the LINA platform since 2019. She is currently carrying out the research “Revalorización y significación social del paisaje urbano del siglo XX en el Barrio del Abasto” (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and “Arquitectas en Euskadi. Visibilizing their contributions” (Basque Country).