Co-founder of I+D+A Estudio de Arquitectura, an office that combines research, dissemination and architecture. PhD in Architecture from the University of Alcalá, 2015, Cum Laude and International Doctorate Mention by research stay at the University of Delft, The Netherlands. Master’s Degree in Architecture and City Design with specialisation in Technological Innovations and Projects from the University of Alcalá, 2009. Architect by the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, 2006. Panamerican BAQ 2022 Award, printed books category with the publication “Pioneras de la arquitectura ecuatoriana”, also part of the official selection of the BIAU XII. She currently teaches Architectural Design at the Universidad Central del Ecuador, Architectural Criticism at UDLA, Research in the Master’s Degree in Urbanism at PUCE, and external lecturer in the Doctorate in Architecture programme at the Universidad de Alcalá.