She holds a PhD in Architecture and teaches Urban Planning at the ETSAB-UPC. Between 2004 and 2014 she co-directed with Josep Maria Montaner the “Master Laboratorio de la vivienda del siglo XXI” at the UPC. In March 2023, she has been appointed to occupy the Federico Mariscal Extraordinary Chair at the Faculty of Architecture of the UNAM and has been appointed Distinguished Professor at the TEC de Monterrey for the School of Art, Architecture and Design.
She has been Director of Urban Planning, Housing, Environment, Urban Ecology, Public Space, Public Roads and Civic Affairs of Santa Coloma de Gramenet (2015-2019).
Specialist in urban planning, architecture and gender. She has been advisor to SEHAB in Sao Paulo on favela urbanisation and re-housing (2010-2012), and to SECHI in Buenos Aires on urbanism and gender in the improvement of neighbourhoods (2013-2015).
President of juries for the XII Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, 2022.
Most recent publications: Mujeres, casas y ciudades. Más allá del umbral (dpr-barcelona, 2018) in collaboration with Josep Maria Montaner Política y Arquitectura. Por un urbanismo de lo común y ecofeminista (2020, Gustavo Gili publishing house). And as coordinator, Antología de pensamientos feministas para arquitectura (edicions UPC, 2022, free download).